The Basics of Me as Your Coach and Why Coaching

Would you like to live a more peaceful and efficient life.  I can help you to find efficiency which will free time to do more of what you love and to better do what you love.

  • As a mechanic I am trained to diagnose,
  • As an engineer I am trained to develop solutions,
  • As a spiritual leader I can show help you tap into power greater than yourself,
  • As a coach I will help you to develop a plan.

Coaching can be a great way to work through a specific situation, determining the best outcome and how to birth that outcome and/or mother it for the greatest possibility. Coaching can also be a long term process by which you seek to live life at its fullest and in ways that are consistent with your being.

Modes of Coaching

I will coach virtually and/or in person. When coaching virtually I prefer Skype, Facetime or other methods that allow us to see the eyes of each other, known to some as the window into the soul, and to hear each others voice. I think this allows for a fuller experience and may transmit meaning more fully. Because of the interconnection of all people though I believe it is possible to coach even with only the written word. I have used many messenger tools including text messaging, Facetime, Facebook, and WhatsApp.

Your Coaching Time is Safe Space to Explore

I practice the chaplain model for spirituality, which means I encourage you on your journey without regard to the specific belief system you work from. I am queer and poly friendly believing more in the question of treating others as people and open communication than a specific way of being. I am not here to judge you in anyway but simply to help you explore your own life and beliefs as well as develop ways of moving forward that work for you.

If we are doing Spiritual Coaching.

  1. I believe that the spiritual life is integral to everything we do and thus will often encourage inclusion of the spiritual in the methods and answers.
  2. I will not promote a particular religion or practice as better than the others but will try to respect your sense of which serves you.
  3. If you come as a Buddhist, I will not try to convert you to Christianity or any other specific religion nor will I try to intentionally convert anyone to Buddhism.
  4. I may suggest, if we find a misalignment between your practice and belief, other options from those I know and am open to people who include multiple practices.

I have studied a variety of religions and spiritual practices over the course of time. I own a variety of primary religious texts and can reference them as you are open or if that is your stated affiliation. I graduated from a mainline Christian seminary and am ordained in apostolic succession as a pastor of the Church. I am very familiar with Judaism, Christian Mystical tradition and Buddhism, having significant direct experience with their beliefs, traditions and practices. I have at least some familiarity with Hindu, Sikh, Confucian, Jain, Toa, Shinto, Animist/Native, and Wiccan, tradition, practice and belief. I believe that many of these come to the same truths and point in many of the same directions as the others.

A holistic approach

In addition to standard coaching techniques like asking the correct question; I bring into our work together backgrounds in:

  • pastoral counseling,
  • trauma therapies,
  • family systems thinking,
  • studies in physiological/psychological interdependence,
  • modern neurological studies(including how faith affects the brain),
  • years of meditation.

When helping you with the spiritual I pull from my knowledge of Hindu, Buddhist(Therevada and Zen), Christian(many denominations plus mystical traditions), Jane, Sikh, Shinto, Toa and other traditions. With a degree in physics and engineering I have a tremendous respect for modern scientific understandings of the world. This brings the best of both a broad understanding and acceptance of the spiritual and respect for our modern understandings of the world plus the ability to see how they are interrelated.


The better the relationship, the better the coaching.

  • The better the relationship the better I can listen to and reflecting what I hear. 
  • The better relationship the more open you can be with me the better the information I have to reflect back and thus the better the coaching.
  • The better the relationship t
  • The better I will understand the information I gather by watching you. The body contains many clues that you may only be subconsciously aware of.
  • Therefore long term coaching can be a great addition to a life live well and to its fullest.

I have a number of assessment tools to help you gain clarity about your beliefs and/or needs. Some of these are spiritual, helping with things like questions of morality and basic belief. Other tools are strictly secular and are designed to help you sift, sort and prioritize the many task and projects of your life.

Once we have an initial list to work with, together, We will:

  1. determine how important each item is,
  2. determine what is possible in terms of action,
  3. look to build foundations upon which each of the important items can continue,
  4. put together plan/s of action for those items determined to be most urgent.

If you come with a specific task through which you would like to be coached I can bring many of these same tools to bear. This will help you to determine what is the necessary order of events, the likely time frames for completion, and what tasks will help to ensure the best outcome. It will also help to determine if there are step you have inadvertently left out or added, so that you do not expend unnecessary energy or fail to accomplish the goal because you missed important steps.

Ready to make the investment in yourself click here for pricing

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